A Kerrie D’s Kitchen we pride ourselves on good quality, wholesome foods, along with a personal service that is often lost in todays busy world. We are more than happy to tailor our services to suit your individual needs and requirements. We take pride in what we do and believe this reflects in the quality of our work and presentation, from kitchen to table. All our staff are trained to very high standards and are always happy to help.

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Cold Buffet Packs

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Fresh Fruit Platter
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from $45.00
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Cold Buffet Packs
from $45.00
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  • "My wife's 40th party last weekend was catered for by Kerrie D's Kitchen. The selection of food, quality and presentation was amazing. Many of the guests commented on how good it was! Thank you."

    Karl & Carrie

  • "We ordered a beautiful platter and desert box for 4 and just wow. Food was of a high quality and just so fresh and delicious. Highly recommend Kerrie D's Kitchen and we will be back for sure!"


  • "Thank you so much for for the catering today. The food was amazing and went down a treat. Looking forward to ordering from you again 🙂"
